Sunday 5 April 2015

Reread Review #1: Charade by Nyrae Dawn

Genre: NA Romance
Rating: 4/4.5 Stars

I decided to reread this book because I remembered liking it when I first read it and wanted to see if I still did now I have many more new adult books to compare it to.

As it turns out I enjoyed it more the second time. Having more new adult to compare it to made me realise how great this book really is and here's why:

>The concept (of a charade) has the potential to be immature and I have read books in which this has happened. I generally don't enjoy books about using someone to make an ex jealous or sorry but this one wasn't like the others. The ex was a really small part of the book actually. Although he was the reason why the charade started, he wasn't the focus of the story in any way which I really appreciated. Their relationship was the focus and the whole charade concept was presented in a really mature way.

>I cried, I won't say why because I don't want to spoil but I did. I felt emotional ties to the characters, I felt the depth of the relationships and I cried with them.

>Their relationship was well developed. It started as a charade but the process of it becoming more was really wonderful to read and, in my opinion, well written.

>The character development was everywhere in this book. It was a constant factor as opposed to something which was thrown in last minute. It happens gradually, in a very believable way and ties together nicely with their relationship.

>I just loved their relationship for all it was, I loved their strength and I loved their understanding of one another. (This book has some really cute nicknames too which I also love).

Overall this is an example of really great new adult. It has drama without being over the top or ridiculous, it has a 'casual' relationship presented in a really readable way and a really great amount of depth and development.
I'm really glad I reread this.

Thanks for reading!
With all my bookish love,
Jess x

P.S. Click For Goodreads

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